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Kitchen Docket -Table Number Position on the left option#964

In Kitchen , chef will normall need the Table Number to be high visiable and on the left to be in the same column of quantity , so they can see the table number and quantity at the same time and bus boy all need to be able to find the table number quickly .
And option to print table Number on the left (Just the number , not need the word “Table “ )will be highly appreciated.

In my secnario, the busy kitchen will receive 40-50 small orders, there is not enough to spead all the slip, they normally will stack them to the left and only quantity and first first letter of the dish name will be enough , what is missing is the table name . Please refer to the screen shot .

And even the title line Qty Item can be ommitted .

PleaseVOTE if you feel it might be helpful for your clients . Thank you !

4 months ago