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Spanish Transaltion Request#413

Under Spanish Language, The Search Box at the top of the Restaurant’s website shows:

English > “Search Dishes”

but in spanish we say:

Spanish > “Buscar Platos”

Also the following text is shown when the user no enter any keyword:

English > “No items matched your search query. Please try other keywords.”

but in spanish we say:

Spanish > “No hay resultados para su consulta de búsqueda. Por favor inténtelo con otras palabras.”

Could you transalte both phrases to Spanish?

3 years ago
Changed the status to
Planned - Low Priority
3 years ago
Changed the status to
In Progress
3 years ago

We have some disputes on the preferred translation.

3 years ago

English > “No items matched your search query. Please try other keywords.”

Spanish > “No hay resultados que concuerden con su búsqueda. Por favor intente con otras palabras.”

3 years ago

Note spanish is now available in the admin dashboard.

3 years ago